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Murder of student: accused rejects accusations

In the trial for the alleged murder of a 23-year-old student in Aschau in Chiemgau, experts do not believe that the defendant's culpability is impaired. However, a psychiatric expert argued on Friday before the Traunstein District Court that the accused should be treated as a juvenile in the...

A judicial officer stands in a courtroom.
A judicial officer stands in a courtroom.

Traunstein District Court - Murder of student: accused rejects accusations

In the trial for the alleged murder of a 23-year-old student in Aschau in Chiemgau, experts do not believe that the accused has limited culpability. However, a psychiatric expert argued on Friday before the Traunstein District Court that the accused should be treated as a juvenile in the event of a conviction. A psychologist also did not report any particular psychological abnormalities.

In both cases, the now 22-year-old man denied the crime, as a court spokeswoman said on Friday. He also told the psychologist that he hoped that the right perpetrator would be found soon and that he would be set free. The man has so far remained silent during the trial.

The taking of evidence in the circumstantial evidence trial is dragging on. The court has now scheduled around ten more dates until March. "The numerous dates that are still open show that a lot of investigative work is still needed to establish the truth," said lawyer Harald Baumgärtl.

The 23-year-old student was in a club in Aschau in Chiemgau on the night of October 3 last year and had set off home from there in the early morning - but she never made it home. A passer-by discovered the woman's body in the afternoon in the river Prien, about twelve kilometers downstream.

Six weeks after the crime, a young man was arrested. He has been on trial for murder at Traunstein District Court since October. The public prosecutor's office accuses him of following the young woman on her way home, assaulting her for sexual reasons, hitting her on the head and throwing her injured into the Bärbach, which flows into the Prien. According to forensic medicine, the student, who had a good two parts per thousand of alcohol in her blood, drowned.

So far, it has not been possible to conclusively determine whether the young woman fell into the Bärbach without any outside help and whether her injuries were caused by water rollers, tree trunks or barrages. The court wants to have an expert opinion drawn up on this.

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