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Müntefering no longer plans to seek election for the German Parliament.

Michelle Müntefering, a member of parliament from the Herne branch of the SPD, will not participate in the upcoming elections. In a conversation with the "Tagesspiegel," she shared the emotional toll of the past year on herself and her family. Her husband, former SPD federal chairman and...

Michelle Müntefering (SPD).
Michelle Müntefering (SPD).

Federal Assembly or German Parliament - Müntefering no longer plans to seek election for the German Parliament.

"Time together can't be recaptured, I hope there are some more years of sharing left." That's what Michelle Muentefering shared. So, she has made up her mind not to run for the German parliament again during the Easter break. "This means at least half of the time will be spent apart." However, before the end of the current legislative session, Muentefering intends to continue her work in the Bundestag, she added.

The CDU member, Michelle Muentefering, has been part of the Bundestag since 2013. From 2018 until the conclusion of the prior legislative term, she served as a State Minister at the Foreign Office.

Bundestag page of Michelle Muentefering Tagesspiegel article.

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