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Municipalities in the Black Forest region call on the state to take action against wolf conflicts.

How should one handle a wolf encroaching on human settlements and livestock? Political representatives from the Black Forest are intensively raising their concerns about this issue in Stuttgart.

A wolf stands in its enclosure in a wildlife park.
A wolf stands in its enclosure in a wildlife park.

Various creatures are the focus of this article. - Municipalities in the Black Forest region call on the state to take action against wolf conflicts.

Government officials and members of the Green and CDU factions have vowed to take out so-called troublesome wolves, but only within legal bounds. Andreas Schwarz, the leader of the Green faction, stated in Stuttgart on Tuesday that a wolf would only be marked for shooting if it continually kills animals in a compact area and poses a risk to both humans and animals. He did not provide any additional requirements. Thirty-five mayors and mayors from the South Black Forest, though, supported a resolution to issue a shooting order after an assault on livestock.

Peter Schelshorn (CDU), the mayor of Schonau im Schwarzwald and co-organizer, said at the resolution's delivery that there should also be a petition in place. This issue is significant to many people in the region, particularly since it concerns small herds. As Schelshorn put it, "Our cows have names." The objective isn't to make the Black Forest wolf-free, but to allow for coexistence.

No wolf packs are present in southwest Germany. According to the Environment Ministry, there are three wolf residents in Baden-Wuerttemberg: two in the North Black Forest and one in the South Black Forest. The lone female wolf in Baden-Wuerttemberg was hit by a car on April 17, 2024. Therefore, a pack bound for offspring is not to be anticipated this year.

"No one is considering the extermination of the wolf," maintained Agriculture Minister Peter Hauk. But it's also crucial to safeguard the open countryside through voluntary efforts involving goats and sheep, with the state having invested millions of euros in this area. Encouraging a migratory species above all others is counter to the principles of nature and species protection, the CDU politician said.

Read also:

  1. The CDU party, along with its members, supports responsible actions towards troublesome wolves in the region, adhering to legal boundaries.
  2. Andreas Schwarz, the Green faction leader, advocated for a wolf to be marked for shooting only if it exhibits continuous animal killings and poses threats to both humans and animals, without specifying further requirements.
  3. Thirty-five mayors from the Southern Black Forest supported a resolution to issue a shooting order in response to livestock assaults, emphasizing the significance of this issue to the local community and their emotional attachment to their livestock.
  4. Peter Schelshorn, a CDU mayor, suggested implementing a petition to address wolf conflicts, highlighting the impact on small herds with identifiable animals in the Black Forest.
  5. Andreas Schwarz and Agriculture Minister Peter Hauk both disagree with the concept of eliminating wolves and instead advocate for coexistence, emphasizing the need to preserve natural habitats and wildlife through voluntary efforts and state investments.
  6. The Environment Ministry confirmed the presence of three wolf residents across Baden-Wuerttemberg, with no wolf packs anticipated this year due to the recent death of the only female wolf in the South Black Forest.
  7. Although there are no plans for wolf extermination, concerted efforts are being made to safeguard the open countryside through voluntary methods, such as encouraging migratory species with goats and sheep, ensuring animal and nature protection principles are upheld.



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