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Municipalities criticize the state government's planned building regulations

Top municipal representatives from Lower Saxony have criticized the changes to the building regulations planned by the state government. "Removing the planned parking space requirement for residential buildings in the building regulations is completely the wrong approach," said Frank Klingebiel...

Frank Klingebiel (CDU), Mayor of Salzgitter and President of the Association of Cities and Towns
Frank Klingebiel (CDU), Mayor of Salzgitter and President of the Association of Cities and Towns of Lower Saxony, speaks at a press conference.

Lower Saxony - Municipalities criticize the state government's planned building regulations

Top municipal representatives from Lower Saxony have criticized the changes to the building regulations planned by the state government. "Removing the planned parking space requirement for residential buildings in the building regulations is completely the wrong approach," said Frank Klingebiel (CDU), President of the Lower Saxony Association of Cities and Towns (NST), in Wolfsburg on Wednesday. There, the Presidium of the Association of Cities and Towns had previously discussed pressing problems from a municipal perspective.

According to Klingebiel, cities and municipalities are being deprived of the sovereignty to make local decisions for people according to their needs. For the mayor of Salzgitter, this also includes requiring developers to provide bicycle parking spaces, e-charging stations or mobility concepts instead of car parking spaces, for example.

The state government recently presented its plans to simplify construction. The law amending the relevant building regulations stipulates, among other things, that the obligation for car parking spaces will no longer apply to the construction of residential buildings. On the other hand, there is to be an obligation for bicycle parking facilities for residential buildings.

From the municipalities' point of view, it is often misunderstood that the parking space obligation often does not lead to more car parking spaces. Instead, it is a lever for demanding bicycle facilities or season tickets for public transport, e-bikes or cargo bikes.

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