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Municipal council: Greens maintain power, no seat for AfD

Local elections across the state see the AfD gaining votes, yet Tübingen remains elusive for the party with the Greens once more emerging victorious.

A piece of paper with the inscription "Ballot box local election" lies on a ballot box in a polling...
A piece of paper with the inscription "Ballot box local election" lies on a ballot box in a polling station.

Tuebingen: a town in Germany. - Municipal council: Greens maintain power, no seat for AfD

In the recent Tübingen municipal election, the Greens maintained their majority, garnering approximately 33.7% of the votes. Following them, the SPD obtained around 14.6% of the votes. The Tübingen List e.V. and CDU secured about 14% and 13.3% of the votes, respectively. The Left gained 9.3%, while the FDP garnered 5.2% of the votes.

In spite of the nationwide trend, the AfD was unable to secure a seat in the Tübingen city council. Approximately 70,000 citizens were eligible to vote in this election, and the voter turnout stood at 71.2% - slightly higher than the turnout in the 2019 election (70.8%).

During the 2019 election, the Greens ranked first in Tübingen with 34.6% of votes cast. The SPD came in second, amassing 13.9% of the votes. The Tübingen List, CDU, and the Left fetched 13.1%, 11.2%, and 5.7% of the votes, respectively.

Across the country, approximately 8.6 million individuals were eligible to vote in the elections for district councils, county councils, and local councils. The city council's inaugural session, including obligations of the newly elected officials, will be held on July 18 in Tübingen. Mayor Boris Palmer (independent) expressed his congratulations to all those who emerged victorious and his eagerness for new ideas and stimulation that will benefit the city.

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