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Munich Opera Festival starts

Just in time for the Munich opera highlight of the year, the guesswork surrounding the future director has come to an end. Now it's time to celebrate.

Max-Joseph-Platz in front of the Bavarian State Opera.
Max-Joseph-Platz in front of the Bavarian State Opera.

Music - Munich Opera Festival starts

At the Bavarian State Opera, the Munich Opera Festival begins today (7:00 pm). It starts with a new production of "Le Grand Macabre". Director Krzysztof Warlikowski stages the relatively young opera from 1978 (revised version from 1996) by composer György Ligeti. At the podium is an old acquaintance of the Munich audience: Kent Nagano, who was General Music Director of the Bavarian State Opera from 2006 to 2013, returns for the premiere to his former place of work.

Following the premiere, Bavaria's Minister of Culture Markus Blume (CSU) is invited to a state reception. Shortly before the start of the festivals, he put an end to speculation about the future leadership of the Opera - for the most part - and announced the contract extension with Intendant Serge Dorny and General Music Director Vladimir Jurowski. Dorny's contract was extended by an additional five years, until 2031, Jurowski's only by two years - until 2028.

The Opera Festival lasts until July 31.

Munich Opera Festival

The new production of "Le Grand Macabre" is taking place at the heart of Munich, specifically at the Bavarian State Opera in Bavaria. After the premiere, the festival continues in Munich, offering numerous music performances until the end of July. Despite the change in leadership, renowned conductor Kent Nagano returns to conduct at his former place of work during the Opera Festival.

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