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Munich Olympic Park on Unesco World Heritage nomination list

The Conference of Culture Ministers (Kultur-MK) has placed the Olympic Park in Munich on the new German list of proposals for Unesco World Heritage. Bavaria's Arts Minister Markus Blume (CSU) called the sports and leisure complex, which opened in 1972, a symbol of cosmopolitanism and Bavaria's...

The snow-covered Olympic Park with the Olympic Tower can be seen from a high-rise building.
The snow-covered Olympic Park with the Olympic Tower can be seen from a high-rise building.

Architecture - Munich Olympic Park on Unesco World Heritage nomination list

The Conference of Culture Ministers (Kultur-MK) has placed the Olympic Park in Munich on the new German list of proposals for Unesco World Heritage. Bavaria's Arts Minister Markus Blume (CSU) called the sports and leisure complex, which opened in 1972, a symbol of cosmopolitanism and Bavaria's contribution to world architecture. "Here, a piece of contemporary history builds an iconic bridge to the present," he said on Monday. The list also includes the "Green Belt" natural heritage application, in which Bavaria is involved alongside other federal states. Work is underway here to transform the former inner-German border strip into a nature conservation biotope.

According to Blume, however, the project "Nuremberg Palace of Justice with Hall 600 and historic cell prison - site of the main war crimes trial and birthplace of international criminal law" was not considered. The International Military Tribunal tried Nazi crimes here in 1945 and 1946. However, due to the impressive audio, photographic and film documents that document the events of that time, a nomination for the UNESCO Memory of the World program is being considered, it was said.

According to the ministry, the Olympic Park is now on the so-called tentative list, which will apply from February 1, 2024. This is a further milestone for a successful application as a future Unesco World Heritage Site, explained Blume. The culture ministers of the federal states also included projects in Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg and other federal states.

Press release Culture MK Tentative List Olympic Park Munich Hall 600 The Green Belt

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