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Munich increases voucher amount for women's night cab

Safely home from the club: the city of Munich is increasing the subsidy for women's night cabs. From next year onwards, the vouchers for night-time cab rides will cost ten euros instead of five, the city council's district administration committee decided on Tuesday. "This measure will...

A cab sign on a cab.
A cab sign on a cab.

Municipalities - Munich increases voucher amount for women's night cab

Safely home from the club: the city of Munich is increasing the subsidy for women's night cabs. From next year onwards, the vouchers for night-time cab rides will cost ten euros instead of five, the city council's district administration committee decided on Tuesday. "This measure will contribute to safety and mobility at night," explained district administration officer Hanna Sammüller-Gradl. "Our aim is for more women to find out about this offer and take advantage of it in order to promote a self-determined and safe nightlife in the city."

The vouchers are issued from the age of 16 to women, trans women and non-binary people with the gender entry "diverse". One of them can be redeemed between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. for a cab ride. The vouchers are currently available from the district administration department, the social community centers and the town hall. The committee has also decided that a digital version should also be developed.

Town hall review

Read also:

  1. In Upper Bavaria, several municipalities have expressed interest in implementing a similar women's night cab subsidy, following Munich's lead.
  2. The increase in the subsidy for women's night cabs in Munich has been praised by local women's organizations, who see it as a step towards promoting safe leisure time activities.
  3. During her leisure time in Munich, a woman can now take advantage of the subsidized night cab service, which is available to females, trans women, and non-binary individuals with a diverse gender entry.
  4. The city's decision to increase the subsidy for women's night cabs has been met with approval from local cab companies, who see it as a way to boost their business and contribute to safety in the city.




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