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Munich Cardinal Marx: No church offices for AfD supporters

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich, has spoken out against AfD supporters in church offices. The AfD and its positions are incompatible with the values of the Catholic Church, Marx said on Thursday at the end of the Freising Bishops' Conference's fall plenary session in Munich. It is...

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich, in Munich.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich, in Munich.

Church - Munich Cardinal Marx: No church offices for AfD supporters

Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich, has spoken out against AfD supporters in church offices. The AfD and its positions are incompatible with the values of the Catholic Church, Marx said on Thursday at the end of the Freising Bishops' Conference's fall plenary session in Munich. It is "unacceptable" for Christians to vote for a party that represents anti-constitutional positions. However, according to his statement, there should be no binding rules on the question of whether AfD supporters should be allowed to hold church offices, at least for the time being.

The AfD came third in the Bavarian state elections in October with just under 15 percent of the vote. Within the Bishops' Conference, "everyone was shocked" by the recent successes, said Marx. He was "convinced that a clear line must be drawn against right-wing extremism".

Marx rejected blanket incompatibility resolutions between church offices and AfD memberships. Corresponding resolutions for parish councils, for example, would be their responsibility and would also be legally uncertain. "I'm hesitant to put rules in writing at the moment," said Marx.

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