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Multitudes of individuals participated in a heartfelt commemoration ceremony for a slain police officer in Mannheim.

Numerous individuals gathered at Mannheim's Congress Hall on Friday for an emotional farewell ceremony to honor the fallen police officer, fatally injured in a knife attack almost two weeks prior. Baden-Württemberg's Minister President, Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), termed the incident an...

Policewoman with rose at memorial in Berlin
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Multitudes of individuals participated in a heartfelt commemoration ceremony for a slain police officer in Mannheim.

A government employee was known for his approachability and connecting with people at eye level, according to Kretschmann. State Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) mentioned that the 29-year-old had been firm in his principles throughout his life. "Even to the point of giving his own life," Strobl said. This loss should serve as a reminder of the personal risks police officers take to maintain our safety and freedom, Strobl added.

On May 31, an Afghan man, 25 years old, attacked members of the anti-Islam citizen group Pax Europa in Mannheim's Market Square with a knife. The 29-year-old officer was also attacked by this same man and was left seriously injured. Following the attack, he went through surgery and was put in an artificial coma. He passed away on June 2.

The death of the policeman caused widespread shock. The memorial service held at Mannheimer Kongresshalle was attended by thousands of people, including Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). Only the victim's family, invited guests, and coworkers were permitted entry. The speeches and musical performances were also aired publicly on a nearby platform.

The mayor of Neckarbischofsheim, where the officer grew up and where his parents currently reside, also addressed the attendees. Thomas Seidelmann (politically unaffiliated) read a message from the family, stating that "our child and brother did not want us to be consumed by hate and anger." His tragic death demonstrated the need for further changes in our society.

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