- Multitudes express dissent during festivities organized by AfD sympathizers.
Around 350 to 400 individuals congregated in the evening, as per police records, for a rally opposing a gathering of supporters of the AFD. The demonstrators gathered outside an AFD Berlin-Pankow branch in the Blankenburg region.
Folks carried banners with messages like "Björn Höcke is a fascist" and "Ban AFD - Ban extremist parties immediately." Speeches were delivered and tunes were played from a truck with a stage.
A grand total of three protests against the AFD were reported on Sunday. The Antifa had organized the demonstration under the banner "Disrupt AFD election party." Another two protests were arranged by private individuals. There were no reported disturbances at the police headquarters by late evening.
Various AFD supporters gathered in the AFD Berlin-Pankow branch and monitored the results of the state elections in Thuringia and Saxony together. Among the attendees was AFD politician Beatrix von Storch.
Despite the ongoing protest outside, AFD supporters continued to celebrate their election results inside the branch. The cancellation of the AFD's party was met with excitement at the rally, calling for a disruption of their celebratory gathering.