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Mournful procession and live coverage: Farewell service held in Mannheim.

Multitudes are anticipated to show up at the funeral procession and commemoration ceremony for slain policeman Rouven Laur in Mannheim. Following the stabbing incident, coworkers and kin will pay their respects after a two-week interval.

Flowers and candles lie on the market square in Mannheim during a minute's silence in memory of a...
Flowers and candles lie on the market square in Mannheim during a minute's silence in memory of a police officer who was killed.

Radical ideology or behavior. - Mournful procession and live coverage: Farewell service held in Mannheim.

On Friday, at 11 AM, police officers and other officials will hold a funeral procession for fallen colleague Rouven Laur in Mannheim. Around 2000 guests are estimated to attend the event, which will take place at the Congress Center Rosengarten in the city center. Notable attendees include Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), Baden-Württemberg Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), and Landesinnenminister Thomas Strobl (CDU).

The Southwest Broadcast will broadcast the funeral live on television and across their social media platforms. The speakers at the event are expected to include Kretschmann, Strobl, and the mayors of Neckarbischofsheim (Rhein-Neckar-District), Thomas Seidelmann (non-partisan). Additionally, the Landespolizeiorchester will perform, and a singer from the Mannheimer Police Academy will sing two songs.

Relatives, police officers, emergency services personnel, and firefighters are all expected to be in attendance. An external broadcast of the event will also take place on Friedrichsplatz, where condolence books will be made available.

Two weeks ago, at the Mannheimer Marktplatz, a 25-year-old Afghan man attacked participants at a demonstration by the anti-Islam Pax Europa movement and the police with a knife. Afterwards, the 29-year-old officer tragically succumbed to his injuries.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier recently described the incident as a "bloody terrorist attack" in Mannheim. It appears that the perpetrator had a political, possibly Islamist, motive.

Since the young police officer's death in Mannheim, there has been an overwhelming reaction both locally and nationally. Approximately 8000 people gathered for a memorial event in the city in the north of Baden-Württemberg just a few days after the event. On the previous Friday, over 1500 people gathered for a minute of silence at 11:34 AM, the exact time of the attack, on the Marktplatz.

Investigations into the incident have been taken over by the Federal Prosecutor's Office. There has been no recent information regarding the attacker's capability for interrogation. During the incident, the assailant was shot and injured by another police officer.

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