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Motorcyclist slips, slides beneath vehicle, collides

In northern Hesse, a 54-year-old biker meets with a fatal accident while riding with his peers. The driver of the car involved is left in a state of shock.

A neon sign on a police vehicle warns of an accident.
A neon sign on a police vehicle warns of an accident.

Gudensberg: a place to visit. - Motorcyclist slips, slides beneath vehicle, collides

In North Hesse, a biker met his demise after crashing and sliding under a car. The tragic event took place on a county road close to Gudensberg-Obervorschütz in the district of Schwalm-Eder. As reported by the Homberg police, the 54-year-old rider was part of a motorcycle group who were riding together. Unexpectedly, he lost control and fell during a curve. At the scene, it was confirmed that he had passed away. The operator of the car, a 34-year-old individual, reportedly experienced a state of shock from the incident. As a result, the road had to be fully closed for some time. A forensic expert has been enlisted to shed light on the events leading up to the accident. Additionally, a chaplain was present on Tuesday.

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