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Motorcyclist run over - tractor driver must pay 5000 euros

Because he hit and fatally injured a motorcyclist while reversing, a 26-year-old tractor driver must pay 5000 euros in compensation to the 60-year-old's surviving dependants. In return, the criminal proceedings were discontinued on Tuesday at the Frankfurt district court due to low culpability....

The penal code and files lie on the table in court.
The penal code and files lie on the table in court.

Process - Motorcyclist run over - tractor driver must pay 5000 euros

Because he hit and fatally injured a motorcyclist while reversing, a 26-year-old tractor driver must pay 5000 euros in compensation to the 60-year-old's surviving dependants. In return, the criminal proceedings were discontinued on Tuesday at the Frankfurt district court due to low culpability. The accident had occurred in October 2021 on a country road between Klein-Karben and Rendel (Wetterau district).

According to the court, the accused farmer wanted to turn onto a dirt road to harvest a field. He missed the turn-off, stopped and suddenly reversed his heavy vehicle without first making sure that the road behind him was clear. The motorcyclist, who had already stopped, was run over by the tractor and died a few days later in hospital.

The defendant confessed in court and said he wanted to make amends to the bereaved family. In view of the fact that the crime had been committed some time ago and the agreement of the family represented as joint plaintiffs in the trial, the court and the public prosecutor's office ultimately decided to dismiss the case and pay compensation for pain and suffering. It was reported that a civil lawsuit against the person responsible for the accident is currently still running in parallel.

Read also:

  1. The accident that led to the compensation payment took place in the Wetterau district, specifically on a country road between Klein-Karben and Rendel.
  2. Despite the incident resulting in criminal proceedings at the local court in Frankfurt, the tractory driver from Hesse only had to pay a fine of 5000 euros due to low culpability.
  3. The motorcyclist involved in the accident, from Frankfurt on the Main, sadly passed away a few days after the incident in the hospital.
  4. The motorcyclist's surviving dependants were the main recipients of the compensation payment, as a result of the tractor driver's reversing maneuver.


