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Motorcyclist dies after colliding with train

A man dies in a train accident. The cause of the accident is initially unclear.

Police officers block the bridge where the accident occurred.
Police officers block the bridge where the accident occurred.

- Motorcyclist dies after colliding with train

A motorcyclist was struck by a train at a railway crossing in Burgbrohl in the morning and died from his severe injuries. As reported by the Mayen police, the 62-year-old could not be saved despite efforts by the emergency services and a helicopter emergency doctor. The cause of the accident was initially unknown. An expert and the specialized accident team from the Koblenz police headquarters were called in to investigate.

The investigation revealed that the cause of the accident was the motorcyclist failing to notice the approaching train at the railway crossing. Despite everyone's best efforts, the tragic accident resulted in the motorcyclist's fatal injuries.

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