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Motorcycle riders collide in Veilsdorf - Man dies

A motorcycle rider aborts his overtaking maneuver and gets back on his own lane. There, he collides with another motorcycle rider.

A 61-year-old motorcyclist died in an accident (image)
A 61-year-old motorcyclist died in an accident (image)

unfaulty - Motorcycle riders collide in Veilsdorf - Man dies

A 61-year-old man died in a motorcycle accident in Veilsdorf (Landkreis Hildburghausen). Another, 32-year-old motorcycle rider was seriously injured on a Sunday afternoon, according to the Suhl police. They were on the B 89 highway when the younger man attempted to overtake a car.

According to the police, as he was pulling out, he noticed a car approaching him and swerving back onto his path. In doing so, he collided with the 61-year-old motorcycle rider, causing both men to fall. The 61-year-old reportedly died at the scene. The 32-year-old was taken to the hospital with serious injuries.

The police are looking for witnesses who may have observed the accident. The estimated damage is over 25,000 Euros.

The motorcycle accident occurred in the Hildburghausen District, which is a part of the German state of Thuringia. The circumstances leading to the accident involved a 32-year-old motorcycle rider trying to overtake a car on the B 89 highway. The incident resulted in traffic disruptions, as the police were present at the scene investigating the Automatic incident. Following the accident, there have been increased calls for improvements in road safety and traffic regulations in the area.

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