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Motifs for the #MehrAlsPflicht volunteering campaign presented

Together with Bavarian aid organizations, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann presented new motifs for the #MehrAlsPflicht campaign on Friday. According to Herrmann, the campaign aims to inspire young people in particular to volunteer. "Because our society thrives on selfless, voluntary...

Joachim Herrmann (CSU), Minister of the Interior of Bavaria.
Joachim Herrmann (CSU), Minister of the Interior of Bavaria.

Minister of the Interior - Motifs for the #MehrAlsPflicht volunteering campaign presented

Together with Bavarian aid organizations, Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann presented new motifs for the #MehrAlsPflicht campaign on Friday. According to Herrmann, the campaign aims to inspire young people in particular to volunteer. "Because our society thrives on selfless, voluntary service," said the CSU politician in Erlangen.

Recent events and disasters such as heavy snowfall at the beginning of December, increasing flooding and forest and vegetation fires showed the need for aid organizations. "More than ever, we need committed people who contribute to social cohesion through their voluntary work and who can always be relied upon, even under adverse conditions," said the Minister.

The Helfernetz Bayern campaign has been running since December 2022 and is set to promote volunteering with new motifs in 27 Bavarian cities in the coming year. The Helfernetz Bayern was launched in 2014 by the aid and emergency organizations in Bavaria. These include the Workers' Samaritan Federation, the Bavarian Red Cross, the German Life Saving Society, Johanniter Accident Assistance, Malteser Hilfsdienst, the Technical Relief Organization and the Medical Disaster Relief Organization. The Ministry of the Interior supports the aid network with 90,000 euros annually.

Communication BRK Communication Ministry of the Interior

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