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Mother of a hostage set to give testimony in the trial of the captor.

A father abducts his daughter and threatens to detonate himself with her at Hamburg's airport. In the trial for the 35-year-old man, the court is set to hear the child's mother.

The defendant sits in the courtroom in the criminal justice building at the start of the trial.
The defendant sits in the courtroom in the criminal justice building at the start of the trial.

Hamburg's International Airport Services - Mother of a hostage set to give testimony in the trial of the captor.

Going on trial this Wednesday (9:30 a.m.) in the Hamburg District Court's Grand Criminal Court is the mom of a kidnapped tot whose case has been making headlines. This comes after a Turkish man snatched his four-year-old daughter from the former marital home in Lower Saxony, Stade, and sped off to the airport in a rental car, dodging three barriers.

The culprit, who's 35, held everyone at the airport hostage while demanding to be whisked away with his daughter to Turkey. His erratic behavior included tossing two explosives on the runway, blasting off three shots, and making threats of detonating a bomb belt. Thankfully, these explosives were facsimiles. When the charade came to an end, he admitted to most of the antics.

The prosecution has charged him with kidnapping, depriving a child's custody, aggravated violence, and multiple firearms violations. The contentious custody battle the defendant had with his ex-wife served as the backstory for the horrific incident. Surprisingly, both mother and child are facing charges in this trial.

The police issued a statement regarding the case on November 5, 2023.

Read also:

  1. The mother, from Lower Saxony's Stade, will testify in the trial taking place at Hamburg's District Court's Criminal Chamber.
  2. Despite the chaos at Hamburg Airport caused by the criminal's actions, air traffic resumed shortly after the incident.
  3. The criminal chamber will decide on the woman's charges related to the custody battle and the roles in the incident.
  4. German authorities expressed concern over an increase in crime involving foreign nationals at various airports, including Hamburg Airport.
  5. In a similar case, a woman was arrested at Hamburg Airport for attempting to smuggle drugs into Germany, leading to stricter security checks.



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