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Mother leaves baby waiting in car in heat and sun

A mother in Upper Bavaria rushed briefly to the supermarket without her two-year-old child. Due to the heat and sunshine, the child started crying in the car, prompting a witness to call the police.

Due to the high temperatures a witness called the police to the parking lot.
Due to the high temperatures a witness called the police to the parking lot.

- Mother leaves baby waiting in car in heat and sun

A mother left her two-year-old child to wait alone in the car on a hot and sunny supermarket parking lot. After the child started crying in the locked car in the Bavarian town of Waldkraiburg (district of Mühldorf am Inn), a witness called the police on Wednesday, investigators reported. The officers rushed to the car from the nearby police station within minutes.

In the meantime, the mother returned to the car. She couldn't understand why there were also police officers and firefighters present, the police reported. She said she had only been away for five minutes, which she thought was "not that bad". The child remained unharmed in the incident.

The officers warned against leaving children alone in cars, even for a short time, in sunny and hot weather. Temperatures in the car can quickly rise between 40 and 60 degrees Celsius, which can be life-threatening for young children.

The mother expressed her confusion upon seeing the police officers and firefighters, as she had just returned to the car after a brief five-minute absence. Despite the situation, the child remained safe throughout the incident.

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