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Mother and child save themselves in attic fire

A roof truss fire in Alsfeld (Vogelsberg district) has caused damage of around 300 to 400,000 euros. The fire broke out on Friday evening in an unoccupied part of a semi-detached house for reasons as yet unexplained, according to the police. When the fire department arrived, the roof truss was...

Firefighters during a training exercise.
Firefighters during a training exercise.

Vogelsberg district - Mother and child save themselves in attic fire

A roof truss fire in Alsfeld(Vogelsberg district) has caused damage of around 300 to 400,000 euros. The fire broke out on Friday evening in an unoccupied part of a semi-detached house for reasons as yet unexplained, according to the police. When the fire department arrived, the roof truss was already in flames. The two residents of the building, a 38-year-old woman and her four-year-old child, were able to leave their apartment in time and remained unharmed. More than 100 firefighters were deployed.


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