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Most people support a national team with a significant number of immigrants on it.

Black top players or those with foreign roots have become common in the German national soccer team. Many people are in favor of this development.

A fitter works on setting up the fan zone in Düsseldorf.
A fitter works on setting up the fan zone in Düsseldorf.

Designing a questionnaire for data collection - Most people support a national team with a significant number of immigrants on it.

A recent survey conducted by WDR program "Sport Inside" found that 66% of Germans approve of the team's increasing number of players with migration backgrounds. This statistic is based on a representative sample of 1304 voters interviewed between April 2nd and 3rd.

However, not everyone is on board with the idea. One in five Germans wish there were more white players on the team. A majority of respondents (65%) disagreed with this statement, which could signal a shift in cultural attitudes towards diversity on the national football team in Germany.

The survey aims to explore how the team's composition has evolved over the years, its implications for German society, and the perspectives of both national players and fans.

Differences in opinion exist among party supporters. Almost half of AfD supporters (47%) want a "whiter" national team, while 38% of Left Party supporters share this sentiment. Union supporters (18%), SPD supporters (14%), and Green supporters (5%) show lower figures.

The survey also found that 17% of Germans feel sorry about the current captain of the German football national team, Ilkay Gündoğan, who has Turkish roots. However, an overwhelming 67% of respondents disagreed with this sentiment. Ilkay has held the captain position since 2023, and his parents are immigrants from Turkey.

In how far these shifts in public opinion reflect broader societal changes remains to be seen. The survey provides an interesting insight into the views held by Germans about integration and acceptance of players with different ethnic backgrounds in the national team.

Read also:

  1. Antonio Rüdiger, a German soccer player with migration background, has been a key player in the German national team during the European Championship.
  2. Despite the positive response towards players with migration backgrounds in the German national team, surveys conducted in Cologne show that some fans still have reservations about having more white players in the team.
  3. The European Championship controversy surrounding Ilkay Gündoğan, the German national team's captain with Turkish roots, has sparked debates about integration and acceptance of immigrants in German soccer.
  4. WDR's "Sport Inside" survey covered the migration background and soccer careers of prominent German football players, including defender Antonio Rüdiger and captain Ilkay Gündoğan, revealing shifting public opinions towards diversity on the national team.
  5. The European Championship brought the spotlight to the issue of migration background and the role of immigrants in the German national soccer team, as surveys like WDR's "Sport Inside" revealed a change in attitudes towards diversity and integration in German society.

