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Moritzburg Art Museum shows further Kirchner paintings

Two new paintings by the German painter Ernst Ludwig Kirchner have been added to the exhibition at the Moritzburg Art Museum. In addition to the two newly exhibited works "Platz in Halle" and "Badende zwischen Steinen", three other works by the artist, who was born in 1880, can also be seen,...

Visitors to the Moritzburg Art Museum in Halle/Saale enter the grounds.
Visitors to the Moritzburg Art Museum in Halle/Saale enter the grounds.

Museums - Moritzburg Art Museum shows further Kirchner paintings

Two new paintings by the German painter Ernst Ludwig Kirchner have been added to the exhibition at the Moritzburg Art Museum. In addition to the two newly exhibited works "Platz in Halle" and "Badende zwischen Steinen", three other works by the artist, who was born in 1880, can also be seen, which are connected to his stay in Halle in the summer of 1915, explained the art museum in Halle on Friday. Kirchner was stationed in a barracks in the city on the Saale as a war volunteer at the time. According to the museum, the paintings are on permanent loan from private collections.

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