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More unemployed in Thuringia in December

The number of unemployed in Thuringia rose slightly in December. At 65,500, 1,500 more people were out of work than in November, as the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency announced on Wednesday. This put the unemployment rate at six percent as of December 13, compared to 5.8...

The logo of the Federal Employment Agency lights up.
The logo of the Federal Employment Agency lights up.

Federal Employment Agency - More unemployed in Thuringia in December

The number of unemployed in Thuringia rose slightly in December. At 65,500, 1,500 more people were out of work than in November, as the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency announced on Wednesday. This put the unemployment rate at six percent as of December 13, compared to 5.8 percent in November. The development in December was typical for the season, it said. "As usual at this time of year, there was an increase in layoffs in outdoor professions," said Regional Directorate Head Markus Behrens.

Thuringia's unemployment rate was higher than that of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony and on a par with Brandenburg. In the other eastern federal states, the rate was higher than in Thuringia.

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