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More unemployed in Hesse: Qualification should help

The number of unemployed people in Hesse continues to rise. At the same time, many jobs for skilled workers remain unfilled. Changing this remains the most important task in the new year.

The logo of the Federal Employment Agency is reflected in a disk.
The logo of the Federal Employment Agency is reflected in a disk.

Labor market - More unemployed in Hesse: Qualification should help

Hesse's labor market is entering the new year with unchanged problems. At the end of the year, the number of unemployed people increased once again, while at the same time many qualified jobs remained unfilled. On December 13, the employment agencies registered 183,091 people as unemployed. This was almost 1,000 more people than in November and almost 15,000 more than a year earlier, as the regional directorate reported in Frankfurt on Wednesday. The unemployment rate rose by 0.1 points to 5.3 percent.

The agencies recorded more than 45,000 unfilled vacancies at the end of the year. This was 8.0 percent less than a year earlier. The employers' association VhU even spoke of more than 100,000 unfilled jobs and once again called for more consistent activation and placement of the unemployed. In addition, more support is needed for the immigration of skilled workers, as the gap threatens to grow to 500,000 people by 2035. VhU Managing Director Dirk Pollert demanded preferential treatment from the immigration authorities for skilled immigrants.

For 2023 as a whole, the directorate calculated an average unemployment figure of around 181,000 people and a rate of 5.2 percent. In the previous year, the average number of unemployed was 164,000 or 4.8 percent. The directorate cited the war in Ukraine, high energy prices and the weakening economy as reasons for the weak labor market last year. In the current year, the focus will be on providing jobseekers with better qualifications, as almost all sectors are looking for skilled workers.

Managing Director Joav Auerbach announced that the search for suitable jobs would be intensified in the integration of refugees. Many of the Ukrainians are about to complete their German courses and have the potential to quickly gain a foothold in the job market in Hesse.

The German Trade Union Federation Hesse-Thuringia criticized the fact that the federal government is demanding billions in subsidies for the employment agency in order to consolidate the budget. This would be at the expense of those paying contributions and would only shift problems into the future, explained DGB boss Michael Rudolph.

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The Federal Employment Agency in Frankfurt, which operates under the jurisdiction of Hesse, is dealing with the increased unemployment rate in the region. Despite numerous vacancies in Frankfurt on the Main, many qualified jobs remain unfilled due to a lack of suitable candidates. The unemployment rate in Hesse has risen to 5.3%, as reported by the employment agencies in Frankfurt.


