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More trainees in the Bavarian skilled trades

This year, 27,800 people have started an apprenticeship in the Bavarian skilled trades sector - one percent more than last year. Around 7,000 apprenticeship contracts have been added since the start of the training year in September. "That shows: It is possible to start an apprenticeship at any...

Sausages are hung on a bar in a butcher's shop before being cooked.
Sausages are hung on a bar in a butcher's shop before being cooked.

Education - More trainees in the Bavarian skilled trades

This year, 27,800 people have started an apprenticeship in the Bavarian skilled trades sector - one percent more than last year. Around 7,000 apprenticeship contracts have been added since the start of the training year in September. "That shows: It is possible to start an apprenticeship at any time," said the President of the Bavarian Association of Skilled Crafts, Franz Xaver Peteranderl, on Friday.

This year, the most sought-after apprenticeships for new trainees are in motor vehicle mechatronics, electronics and plant mechanics for sanitary, heating and air-conditioning technology. The skilled trades provide training in around 130 professions. Peteranderl said: "With a completed apprenticeship and subsequent further training, all doors are open. In the coming years, around 22,000 skilled trades companies in Bavaria will need a new boss."

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In Munich, a city known for its rich history and skilled crafts, Franz Xaver Peteranderl, the President of the Bavarian Association of Skilled Crafts, highlighted the accessibility of craft education by noting that 27,800 individuals began apprenticeships in Bavaria's trades this year, representing a 1% increase over last year. With numerous training opportunities available in approximately 130 professions and a projected need for around 22,000 new leaders in Bavaria's skilled trades companies in the upcoming years, Peteranderl emphasized the transformative potential of a completed apprenticeship and subsequent further education.




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