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More timber thefts in Berlin than in previous years

Heating with wood has been a trend for some time now. It used to be very cheap, but recently wood has also become more expensive. This could also motivate thieves.

Wood lies in a forest on the island of Usedom.
Wood lies in a forest on the island of Usedom.

Energy - More timber thefts in Berlin than in previous years

More thefts of wood have been reported in Berlin this year than in the past. The police registered 51 thefts of wood and in some cases other objects by the end of October, according to the authorities. In previous years, there had been 40 thefts and around 30 thefts or even fewer in the same periods. In most cases, wood was stolen from construction sites (11), from the forest (5) or from the roadside (6).

However, there were also thefts from parks, gardens, houses and DIY stores as well as from a cemetery and an allotment garden. Suspects were identified in 28 cases. The police were unable to say anything about the amount of wood stolen or its value. It is also unknown whether the crimes are linked to the sharp rise in the price of firewood and other heating materials.

Energy prices have risen sharply in recent years, with more and more people heating all or part of their homes with wood-burning stoves. Firewood has become increasingly expensive, and in some federal states more thefts of felled wood from forests are being reported. However, this is more likely to be the case in states with large forests, where it is less noticeable if someone loads up a trailer at night.

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The increase in energy prices and the high demand for firewood have led to an uptick in timber thefts, with Berlin experiencing more instances this year compared to previous ones. Despite numerous investigations, the police have yet to determine the exact amount of wood stolen or its monetary value, hinting at the sophistication of these criminal activities in the city.


