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A dark cloud front moves across the Allgäu foothills of the Alps.
A dark cloud front moves across the Allgäu foothills of the Alps.

Weather - More thunderstorms with heavy rain expected

In wide parts of Bavaria, new thunderstorms with heavy rain are expected in the course of today's Friday. However, this does not apply to Unterfranken, as the German Weather Service announced on Friday. According to meteorologists' estimates, amounts of up to 40 liters of rain per square meter are not excluded in the afternoon and evening. In addition, hail and tornadoes are expected. The air is generally expected to be warm and very humid, and a cold front from the northwest is expected to advance approximately to the Danube by the end of the day. For the night to Saturday, the weather service expects a weather calming down with rapid subsiding of the thunderstorms.

German Weather Service report for Bavaria

The Weather Service, DWD, has predicted potential thunderstorms in Munich, one of Bavaria's main cities, with heavy downpours and hail being a possibility. Despite the severe weather warnings, Bavaria's adjacent region, Unterfranken, is expected to remain largely unaffected.

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