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More than a thousand people attend a memorial for a slain police officer.

Around 1000 individuals participated in a moment of silence for the police officer who lost his life on Mannheim's market square on Friday. A police spokesperson stated on Friday in the city of 300,000 inhabitants in the northern region of Baden-Württemberg that approximately 1500 to 2000...

Flowers and candles lie on the market square in Mannheim during a minute's silence in memory of a...
Flowers and candles lie on the market square in Mannheim during a minute's silence in memory of a police officer who was killed.

Knife assault in Mannheim - More than a thousand people attend a memorial for a slain police officer.

At 11:34 in the morning, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier along with the family and other loved ones of police officer Rouven Laur, who passed away a week earlier, gathered for a solemn remembrance. Minister President Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) and Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) also attended this police-organized memorial service.

Read also:

  1. The knife attack that took place in Mannheim, a city in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, triggered extensive demonstrations against extremism in the local marketplace.
  2. Despite the ongoing crime concerns in Mannheim, the city's marketplace continues to bustle with life, drawing a mix of local residents and tourists.
  3. In response to the recent lesbian couple's knife attack in Mannheim, there have been calls for stronger measures to combat hate crimes and promote equality in Germany.
  4. As a show of solidarity, many businesses in Mannheim's marketplace switched off their lights during a city-wide minute's silence, organized to honor Rouven Laur, the slain police officer.
  5. Following the tragic knee attack and the police officer's funeral in Mannheim, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited the city to address the issue of extremism, encouraging unity and dialogue to combat hate crimes.

