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More than 93,500 signatures for Baltic Sea National Park

Supporters of the establishment of a Baltic Sea National Park have presented 93,559 signatures to Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU). The signatures came not only from Schleswig-Holstein, but from all over Germany, said the initiator of the petition and landscape ecologist, Malte Wenzel,...

Waves crash onto the Baltic Sea beach.
Waves crash onto the Baltic Sea beach.

Petition - More than 93,500 signatures for Baltic Sea National Park

Supporters of the establishment of a Baltic Sea National Park have presented 93,559 signatures to Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU). The signatures came not only from Schleswig-Holstein, but from all over Germany, said the initiator of the petition and landscape ecologist, Malte Wenzel, in front of the State Chancellery in Kiel on Monday. This shows the scope of the problem because the Baltic Sea is an "important ecosystem throughout Europe".

At the handover,Günther expressed his thanks for the "impressive number" of signatures and emphasized the need for "large-scale protection for the Baltic Sea". This should not stop at voluntary agreements. In mid-February 2024, the Minister President will present a concept together with Environment Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens).

The people who live with and through the Baltic Sea have a right to not have their livelihood destroyed. "We have also noticed this concern among many people," explained Günther. He therefore believes that the CDU and the Greens will be able to agree on something sensible. "Which, by the way, I also want to say, will of course still be discussed afterwards," continued the Minister President.

Read also:

  1. The petition for the establishment of a Baltic Sea National Park has gathered over 93,500 signatures, including many from residents of Schleswig-Holstein, demonstrating the widespread concern for the environment in Germany, as expressed by landscape ecologist Malte Wenzel.
  2. Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) of Schleswig-Holstein, during the handover of the petitions, acknowledged the "impressive number" of signatures and emphasized the necessity of large-scale protection measures for the Baltic Sea, going beyond voluntary agreements.
  3. The Baltic Sea, being an "important ecosystem throughout Europe," is central to the livelihoods of many in Germany, and Günther, in recognizing this concern, expressed his belief in the agreement between the CDU and the Greens for a sensibly crafted environmental policy.
  4. Environmental Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens) will join Minister President Günther at a later date in 2024 to present a concept for the protection of the Baltic Sea, a move that underscores the significance of the petition and the public's concern for the region.
  5. The petition to establish a Baltic Sea National Park is gaining momentum, with support from German citizens across the country, reflecting the collective desire to preserve this vital European ecosystem and ensure a future where its inhabitants can maintain their livelihoods.




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