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More than 700,000 euros from lottery funds for social projects

The Brandenburg Ministry of Social Affairs has approved more than 700,000 euros from lottery funds for charitable projects this year. A total amount of exactly 710,348.75 euros was approved for 60 projects, the ministry announced in a statement on Tuesday.

Lotto balls lying on a lottery ticket.
Lotto balls lying on a lottery ticket.

Promotion - More than 700,000 euros from lottery funds for social projects

The Brandenburg Ministry of Social Affairs has approved more than 700,000 euros from lottery funds for charitable projects this year. A total sum of exactly 710,348.75 euros was approved for 60 projects, the ministry announced in a summary on Tuesday.

For example, the Friends of the Ernst von Bergmann Hospital in Potsdam received 60,000 euros for aid shipments of medicines and medical products to the Ukraine. The Potsdam Oberlin Association received 32,000 euros for a guidance system tailored to autistic people on the hospital campus and the Volkssolidarität Frankfurt (Oder) received 20,000 euros to purchase a deep-freeze cell for the Frankfurt food bank. The international film festival "della Awards 2023" for deaf filmmakers in Potsdam was supported with 23,000 euros.

In Brandenburg, the lottery is linked to a contribution to the common good. These lottery funds are used to support social, humanitarian, cultural and sporting projects for which there is no other funding from the state.

Application for lottery funds press release

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