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More than 620 sports facilities benefit from state funding

Hesse's state government wants to encourage everyone to take part in sport. To ensure that gyms, sports grounds and swimming pools are in good condition, money flows from the state budget.

Bird's eye view of the swimming pool at FreiBadSoden in Bad Soden am Taunus.
Bird's eye view of the swimming pool at FreiBadSoden in Bad Soden am Taunus.

Ministry of the Interior - More than 620 sports facilities benefit from state funding

The state of Hesse has funded the modernization of more than 620 sports facilities and swimming pools in 2023. As announced by the Ministry of the Interior in Wiesbaden, a total of around 26.3 million euros was spent on this. "An important goal of Hesse's sports funding is to create opportunities and incentives for active sports activities for all sections of the population and age groups," explained the ministry. At the beginning of the year, the approximately 7400 sports clubs in the state had more than 2.1 million members.

The "SWIM" swimming pool investment and modernization programme, for example, has reportedly provided ten million euros a year specifically for indoor and outdoor pools since 2019. Local authorities and non-profit sports associations, among others, can apply for funding. This year, 21 projects were supported with around 6 million euros from the SWIM program, the ministry added. Last year, around 4.7 million euros went to 152 projects from the special investment program "Sportland Hessen". This program is aimed in particular at renovating sports facilities for popular sports.

Since March 1, 2023, member clubs and associations of the state sports association that are particularly affected by rising energy prices as a result of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine have been able to apply for compensation. So far, more than 510 sports clubs have received financial support, the ministry announced.

SWIM sports promotion program

Read also:

  1. Some municipalities in Hesse have utilized state funding to enhance their leisure time facilities, specifically by modernizing their sports facilities and swimming pools, as part of the Ministry of the Interior's initiative in Wiesbaden.
  2. With the aim of promoting active sports activities for all age groups and sections of the population, the state of Hesse allocates funding to more than 620 sports facilities, including gymnasiums and swimming pools, every year.
  3. In Wiesbaden, the city of Hesse, a renowned gymnasium is among the many sports facilities that have benefited from the modernization program funded by the Ministry of the Interior.
  4. Local authorities and non-profit sports associations in Hesse can apply for funding under the "SWIM" program, which provides ten million euros annually for indoor and outdoor swimming pools since 2019.


