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More than 3000 unaccompanied minors registered in Berlin

Underage refugees who come to Germany alone receive special care. Many in Berlin came from Ukraine this year. However, the majority fled from another country.

A young refugee sits next to another young refugee on a terrace.
A young refugee sits next to another young refugee on a terrace.

Migration - More than 3000 unaccompanied minors registered in Berlin

Just over 3000 unaccompanied minor refugees (UMF) have been registered in Berlin so far this year. The last time more children and young people were taken into care was in 2015 (around 4,250) and 2022 (around 3,200), according to the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family Affairs in response to a request from the German Press Agency.

Around one in four minors came from Syria. Unaccompanied minors from Afghanistan made up the second largest proportion of first-time registrations, followed by children and young people from Ukraine, Turkey and Benin. According to the data, only around one in ten arrivals were female, with the vast majority being male.

After their arrival, the minors are taken to special accommodation run by youth welfare organizations. According to the youth welfare authorities, they are looked after there around the clock and are offered German courses, among other things. According to the authority, numerous shelters have been rented or opened for this purpose since last year.

For young people who are not yet assigned to a district and do not yet have a school place, the art laboratory "S27 - Art and Education" has been offering special learning workshops since this summer. "Many are very enthusiastic and want to achieve something quickly in their new environment," Managing Director Barbara Meyer told the German Press Agency. However, some of them are also under pressure. As a rule, they have been on the move for several years and provide for their families back home despite difficult everyday problems, said Meyer. "Even if they are very young boys, they have the burden of sending money home, which they earn somewhere with a small job."

The "Berlin Karussell-Lernwerkstätten" project offers German courses, sports and leisure workshops and creative workshops, among other things. 40 unaccompanied minors take part in the all-day program for six weeks at a time. According to the managing director, the number of participants is set to double next year.

According to Meyer, it is noticeable that the young people have a lot of experience with emergency situations. "Some show the effects of trauma and suffer from concentration problems." Despite their precarious living situation, many are incredibly optimistic when they arrive. "Some bring concrete ideas for a future career with them, which often include skilled trades, but engineering is also often mentioned." Many have already shown amazing manual skills.

Carousel learning workshops project

Read also:

  1. Despite the challenging living situations, many unaccompanied minors from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Turkey, and Benin show an incredible optimism upon arriving in Berlin, often bringing concrete ideas for future careers, such as skilled trades or engineering.
  2. The German Press Agency reports that over 3000 unaccompanied minor refugees (UMF) have been registered in Berlin this year, surpassing the numbers from 2015 and 2022, with Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Turkey, and Benin being the top countries of origin for these youths.
  3. The German city of Berlin has seen a significant increase in the number of unaccompanied minor refugees this year, with around one in four coming from Syria and Afghanistan accounting for the second largest proportion of first-time registrations.
  4. The art laboratory "S27 - Art and Education" in Berlin has been providing special learning workshops for unaccompanied minors who have not yet been assigned to a district and do not have a school place, helping them adjust to their new environment with enthusiasm.
  5. According to the German Press Agency, just over 3000 unaccompanied minor refugees (UMF) have been registered in Berlin so far this year, marking a substantial rise from the numbers recorded in 2015 and 2022, with approximately one in ten of these children being female.
  6. The City of Berlin is committed to offering support and guidance to unaccompanied minor refugees, with numerous shelters being rented or opened for their accommodation and various resources, such as German courses and leisure workshops, made available to them.
  7. The turmoil in Ukraine and Syria has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of unaccompanied minor refugees seeking asylum in Germany, with Berlin being one of the cities that have been impacted significantly by this migration trend.




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