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More than 30 e-bikes stolen in Fürstenwalde

Thieves broke into a business in Fürstenwalde. After that, several two-wheelers were missing.

Unknown persons have stolen 30 to 40 e-bikes from a business in Fürstenwalde (image)
Unknown persons have stolen 30 to 40 e-bikes from a business in Fürstenwalde (image)

Criminality - More than 30 e-bikes stolen in Fürstenwalde

Unknown individuals stole 30 to 40 E-Bikes from a business in Fürstenwalde. Exactly when the perpetrators were at work is unclear, according to the Police Directorate Ost. It is likely that the theft occurred in the past week, as stated. It was noticed on a Sunday evening. The police are investigating. The police did not make initial statements regarding the extent of the damage.

The theft of E-Bikes in Fürstenwalde has raised concerns about increasing criminality in the area. The stolen bikes were reportedly from a brand known in Brandenburg.

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