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More than 230 new wind turbines in Schleswig-Holstein

The expansion of wind power in Schleswig-Holstein is progressing. 232 turbines were commissioned in 2023. More are being planned.

Wind turbines in a field.
Wind turbines in a field.

Energy - More than 230 new wind turbines in Schleswig-Holstein

More than 230 new wind turbines will be connected to the grid in Schleswig-Holstein in 2023. "We can justifiably claim that we are Germany's wind engine," Energy Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Greens) told the German Press Agency on Wednesday. The 232 new turbines have a total capacity of 1.2 gigawatts. By comparison, the Brokdorf nuclear power plant, which was decommissioned at the end of 2021, had an output of around 1.4 gigawatts.

According to the ministry, every third new German wind turbine was installed in Schleswig-Holstein in 2023. There are now 3169 turbines with a total output of 8.37 gigawatts. "We in Schleswig-Holstein can be really proud of the excellent expansion figures," said Goldschmidt. Wind energy has a high level of acceptance in the north.

In 2023, 221 wind turbines with a capacity of 1.16 gigawatts were newly approved in Schleswig-Holstein. According to the ministry, this corresponds to investments of around 831 million euros. This is more than twice as much as in 2022. 383 turbines with a capacity of 1.96 gigawatts have also been approved but are not yet connected to the grid. A further 293 applications for the installation of wind turbines are still pending at the State Office for the Environment, 170 of them from the current year. That is 103 fewer open applications than at the end of 2022.

The expansion of the electricity grids is also continuing: in October, the 15-kilometre section of the west coast line between Klanxbüll and the German-Danish border was put into operation. The east coast line is also making progress. "With the underground cable pilot project near Henstedt-Ulzburg, we are convinced that we have found a very good solution for the municipality to continue to lead the expansion of the energy infrastructure for the whole of Germany," said Goldschmidt.

In December, the black-green state government decided to significantly increase the expansion of wind power in the state, as already announced in the coalition agreement. The CDU and Greens want to increase the installed wind power capacity on land to 15 gigawatts. To this end, three percent of the state's land area is to be earmarked for wind turbines in future instead of the previous two percent.

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