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More than 2000 young people still without a training place

More young people in the north are looking for an apprenticeship than a year ago. However, there are more vacancies than applicants.

A construction worker with a gas burner during the construction of an apartment
A construction worker with a gas burner during the construction of an apartment

More than 2000 young people still without a training place

After the start of the training year, there are still far more vacancies than applicants in Schleswig-Holstein. "Once again, the number of young people applying for training places has fallen," said the head of the regional directorate of the employment agency, Markus Biercher, on Wednesday, commenting on the balance on the training market. At the end of September, 2032 young people had not yet found an apprenticeship, 625 more than in the same period last year. At the same time, there were 2865 vacancies (minus 37).

According to the employment agency, a total of 13,123 young people registered as applicants with the employment agencies in Schleswig-Holstein between October 2022 and the end of September. This was 539 fewer than in the same period last year. Companies registered 19,954 vacancies, 386 more than in the previous year. "These figures document the high willingness of companies to provide training," said Biercher.

Education Minister Karin Prien (CDU) referred to the diverse career opportunities offered by company-based training. "90 percent of pupils who complete vocational training in Germany have direct access to further training leading to higher qualifications." Dual vocational training combined with further vocational training is a good alternative to studying. Skilled workers are needed in all sectors. "There are also many alternative routes to the goal - the important thing is to take the first step and get started."

The most apprenticeships in the north are still available for retail sales staff (218), in sanitary, heating and air conditioning technology (155) and for sales staff (122).

The ongoing imbalance in the labor market is evident in Schleswig-Holstein, with 2032 young individuals still lacking a training place as of September, while there are 2865 vacancies available. Despite the high number of vacancies, the number of young people registering as applicants has decreased, with 13,123 registering this year, a drop of 539 compared to the previous year.




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