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More than 200 Hessian civil servants postpone retirement

Some can hardly wait to retire. Others want to work longer. How about the civil servants in Hesse?

Retirement or continue working? (Symbol photo)
Retirement or continue working? (Symbol photo)

- More than 200 Hessian civil servants postpone retirement

Teacher's desk instead of retirement, Justice office instead of world trip: In Hesse this year, 218 female and male civil servants have postponed their retirement. This is 40 fewer than in 2023, as revealed in a response from the Interior Ministry in Wiesbaden to a minor request from the FDP state parliamentary group. It was not known in which area they predominantly work. There are over 100,000 female and male civil servants in Hesse.

"Civil servants for life retire at the end of the month in which they reach the age limit applicable to them," it says in the Hessian Civil Service Act. This limit is usually reached at the age of 67, unless otherwise specified.

However, it also says in the law: "If it is in the service interest, the entry into retirement can be postponed beyond the age limit upon application or with the consent of the female or male civil servant by a certain period of time."

The Interior Ministry's response revealed that fewer civil servants in Hesse postponed retirement in 2023 compared to this year, showcasing a trend in extended service within the Government. The Hessian Civil Service Act allows for retirement postponement if it benefits the public service, highlighting the Government's flexible retirement policies.

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