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More than 200 fire department operations due to snow in Munich

The heavy snowfall in Munich has already led to 200 fire department call-outs. Since Friday evening, firefighters have been dealing with falling branches, fallen trees and icy accidents caused by the snow load, as the fire department announced on Saturday morning.

A snowed-in car stands on a street in Munich.
A snowed-in car stands on a street in Munich.

Weather - More than 200 fire department operations due to snow in Munich

The heavy snowfall in Munich has already led to 200 fire department call-outs. Since Friday evening, firefighters have been dealing with falling branches, fallen trees and icy accidents caused by the snow, as the fire department announced on Saturday morning.

For example, the emergency services rescued a city bus that had slipped into a ditch due to the icy conditions and freed a streetcar overhead line from three trees that had leaned into the line due to the snow load. As local public transport in Munich was largely at a standstill, many passengers were stranded at stations and stops. The fire department reportedly drove home two people who were stuck in an electric wheelchair at a stop.

The fire department expects further operations on Saturday due to the snow and advises passengers to avoid unnecessary journeys.


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The weather in Bavaria's Upper Bavaria region is also causing disruptions, with multiple traffic incidents reported. In fact, the traffic police in Upper Bavaria reported several accidents due to slippery roads and poor visibility, adding to the already challenging travel conditions.

Despite the heavy snowfall, some people from Bavaria seem undeterred, as evidenced by the ADAC warning of kilometers-long traffic jams on freeways, advising against non-essential travel.


