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More than 115 dead in earthquake in northwest China

At least 116 people have died in a strong earthquake in northwest China. State media reported on Tuesday that at least 105 people died and almost 400 were injured in the night-time quake in Gansu province. At least eleven people died and a hundred were injured in the city of Haidong in the...

Rescue workers after
Rescue workers after

More than 115 dead in earthquake in northwest China

The state news agency Xinhua reported that the 6.2-magnitude quake caused severe devastation and destroyed houses. People ran into the streets to get to safety. According to the report, the power and water supply was interrupted in several villages in the region.

The US earthquake observatory USGS initially gave the magnitude of the quake as 6.0 and later as 5.9. The epicenter was around 100 kilometers southwest of Gansu's provincial capital Lanzhou.

"I was scared to death," said a woman in a video published on a social media account of the newspaper "People's Daily". "Look how my hands and legs are shaking." Masses of earth from a mountain fell onto the roof of her house shortly after she ran out of the building, she said.

According to state broadcaster CCTV, more than 1,400 rescue workers were dispatched to the earthquake region, with a further 1,600 on standby. Drinking water, blankets, stoves and instant noodles were brought to the region.

China's head of state Xi Jinping called for everything to be done to save people. The President also warned of the freezing temperatures in the high-altitude region.

China is repeatedly shaken by earthquakes, some of which are devastating. In 2008, a magnitude 7.9 quake in Sichuan province killed more than 87,000 people. In September 2022, almost a hundred people were killed in an earthquake, also in Sichuan.

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