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More speed in asylum appeals - state strengthens administrative courts

Until now, court proceedings regarding asylum decisions have taken almost a year on average - in future, this is to be reduced to three months. Special chambers have been set up to achieve this.

With the help of asylum chambers, proceedings before the administrative courts in Baden-Württemberg...
With the help of asylum chambers, proceedings before the administrative courts in Baden-Württemberg are to be accelerated in future.

Asylum procedure - More speed in asylum appeals - state strengthens administrative courts

Asyl applications have been handled since early July by specialized chambers at the four administrative courts to reduce the duration of proceedings in the future. In addition, there are now nationwide jurisdictions at the courts in Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, and Freiburg for certain origin countries, as the Justice Ministry announced. The administrative court system has been set up in such a way that it allows for more efficient processing of procedures while maintaining unchanged high constitutional standards.

The changes were already announced in the spring. At the Administrative Court of Karlsruhe, a Competence and Innovation Center for Asyl will be set up in the future. A total of 27 new positions have been created.

At their conference in November, the Prime Ministers decided that they wanted to conclude asylum procedures for people from secure origin states and from states with a recognition rate below five percent within three months. The subsequent court proceedings should also be completed according to the decision within three months. Currently, asylum proceedings in Baden-Württemberg, according to earlier statements by the Justice Ministry, last on average around 11 months, and expedited proceedings around 1.9 months.

  1. The changes in asylum application handling include the establishment of nationwide jurisdictions at the Courts in Stuttgart and Freiburg, following the lead set by Karlsruhe, all under the guidance of the Ministry of Justice.
  2. In Stuttgart, just like in Karlsruhe, an Asylum Competence and Innovation Center is being established, aiming to improve the efficiency of the asylum procedure while upholding constitutional standards.
  3. The Migration department is closely monitoring the new asylum decision procedures, particularly in Baden-Württemberg, where the average length of asylum proceedings has been reported to be around 11 months.
  4. The Fribourg Administrative Court is also part of the revamped asylum application handling system, playing a crucial role in ensuring justice and fairness in the asylum decision-making process.
  5. The administrative court in Stuttgart will now also handle asylum applications from certain origin countries, as part of the nationwide division of responsibilities set up by the Ministry of Justice to expedite the asylum procedure.

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