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More social worker positions for schools in Saxony-Anhalt added.

Participants in a demonstration hold up a poster with the words "School social work".
Participants in a demonstration hold up a poster with the words "School social work".

Schooling and Learning - More social worker positions for schools in Saxony-Anhalt added.

In Saxony-Anhalt, 85 extra roles for school social work initiatives will be financed, the education ministry confirmed in reaction to an enquiry. They mentioned that approximately 14.3 million euros in unutilized funds are currently accessible. They added that some of these funds were not spent due to sick leave, maternity leave, or parental leave. The roles will be funded starting from January 1, 2025, until 2028. This could raise the total number of school social worker jobs in the state to 465. The "Magdeburger Volksstimme" was the first to report on this information.

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