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More respiratory infections in Berlin: increased sickness rates

Around a week and a half before Christmas, large numbers of people are absent due to illness. Various pathogens are behind this. The BVG is not the only company to lose staff.

A stethoscope hangs on a coat rack.
A stethoscope hangs on a coat rack.

Various pathogens - More respiratory infections in Berlin: increased sickness rates

Respiratory diseases are still on the rise among people in Berlin. The State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) reported a significant increase in reported cases of influenza and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) in its report on infections for the past week on Thursday. As expected for the time of year, the rising trend has continued, it said. The Berlin Corona situation report (as of December 12) also shows a steeply rising curve of confirmed virus detections.

According to the Lageso report, the number of laboratory-confirmed flu cases in the capital has more than tripled compared to the previous week, but is still at a relatively low level of just over 120. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the flu epidemic has not yet begun. In the case of RSV - a wave that is already underway according to the RKI - the Lageso reports an almost doubling in the number of cases compared to the previous week, to 65. Children up to the age of two were mainly affected.

Very high numbers of unreported cases are assumed for these diseases because not everyone affected visits a doctor's surgery and only a small number of them are tested for the pathogen in a laboratory. An estimate by the RKI shows the scale of the problem: nationwide, it estimates 7.9 million acute respiratory illnesses last week. According to experts, there is now also increased awareness of the issue.

Many staff are also absent at Charité University Hospital: "We are currently continuing to see an increase in sick leave among medical and nursing staff," a spokesperson said on request. Nevertheless, patient care is guaranteed, but in some areas appointments may be postponed or waiting times may be longer. Patients were asked for their understanding. "We are also currently urging all visitors to wear a mask in the Charité clinics to avoid the possible spread of infection," it said. In Berlin, the public transport company (BVG) also reported a significant increase in sick leave.

Infection epidemiology weekly overview Covid-19 situation report Berlin

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