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More places planned to accommodate abused women

Cases of domestic violence against women are also on the rise in Saxony. However, there is a lack of places for counseling and support for victims, especially in large cities. But there are also positive signs.

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More places planned to accommodate abused women

The increase in police-recorded cases of domestic violence against women is a major concern for Saxony's Minister for Gender Equality, Katja Meier. "The capacity of advice centers and women's shelters must be further expanded," the Green Party politician emphasized in response to a question from the German Press Agency on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25).

In recent years, efforts in these areas have been significantly increased, Meier emphasized. With the opening of an intervention and coordination center (IKS) in the Vogtland district at the beginning of December, every district and every independent city will have such a facility. "This means that victims of domestic violence no longer have to travel long distances and can receive advice and support directly on site." According to the ministry, funding for violence protection has tripled since 2019 and currently stands at around twelve million euros per year.

"This has enabled us to lay a good foundation for measures such as the ICS and other protection facilities throughout the state," said Katja Meier. However, more funds are urgently needed in the upcoming budget to ensure that help and support structures remain effective in the long term.

According to Meier, there were around 8,800 cases of domestic violence against women recorded by the police in 2022. This represents an increase of ten percent compared to the previous year. There were 294 assaults per 100,000 inhabitants in Leipzig, 237 in Dresden and 229 in the district of Zwickau. "In addition, there is an unknown number of unreported cases because the topic is very shameful for the victims and many do not come forward," explained Meier.

In spring, the ministry presented its own Saxony-wide dark field study. 1,300 women aged 16 and over took part. According to the study, almost a third (30 percent) of the participants had already experienced violence in the form of forced sexual acts, and more than half had attempted rape. The perpetrators were almost exclusively men.

From January to October this year, the Central Immediate Reception of Women's Shelters in Leipzig had to turn away 151 women and 161 children. The problem is well known and is taken very seriously, emphasized Meier. Together with the city of Leipzig, the ministry is currently looking for a long-term, functioning and expandable solution.

A stable network is a sensitive task. For example, trained specialist staff and specially equipped accommodation are needed to house and care for people affected by violence. However, the search for suitable properties is complicated, the Minister emphasized. "The houses must not be too far away from a police station and there must also be daycare places available nearby for the children concerned."

Addressing the rising concern of domestic violence against women, Katja Meier, the Green Party politician and Saxony's Minister for Gender Equality, called for bolstering social affairs related to justice. She stated, "Not only do we need to expand the capacity of advice centers and women's shelters, but we also require additional funding in the upcoming budget to maintain their effectiveness in the long term."




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