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More people are investing money, security is particularly important

According to a survey, higher interest rates and rising prices on the stock markets have boosted savers this year. 73 percent of the 1,000 respondents said they had invested money. A year earlier, the figure was 53 percent, according to a survey conducted by Kantar on behalf of the Association...

Money in the belly of a piggy bank.
Money in the belly of a piggy bank.

Survey - More people are investing money, security is particularly important

According to a survey, higher interest rates and rising prices on the stock markets have boosted savers this year. 73 percent of the 1,000 respondents said they had invested money. A year earlier, the figure was 53 percent, according to a survey conducted by Kantar on behalf of the Association of German Banks (BdB). At the same time, more than half (58%) were satisfied with the performance of their investments at the beginning of December. In the previous year, this figure was only 30 percent.

"Despite the good year on the stock markets, comparatively few people are still investing in shares and funds," said BdB Managing Director Heiner Herkenhoff. Particularly popular among respondents is call money, which savers can access at any time, but which therefore yields lower interest than some other forms of investment.

In the survey, 37% named call money as their preferred investment product in 2023, followed by shares (29%) and fund units (27%). Real estate, gold and fixed-interest investments, on the other hand, will be much less popular in 2024 than this year. Multiple answers were possible.

The majority of respondents (70%) consider security to be an important goal when investing money. Security remains the top priority for most investors, said Herkenhoff. "However, one in three people can now imagine taking a higher risk for a higher return."

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