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More part-time employees than ever before

people in Germany are working fewer hours compared to the same quarter last year and yet the number of employees with secondary employment is increasing, the IAB has published its calculations.

People in Germany are working less overtime and more part-time.
People in Germany are working less overtime and more part-time.

Gainful employment - More part-time employees than ever before

More people are working part-time in Germany than ever before. According to a calculation by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg, the part-time rate increased by 0.3% to 39.2% in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the same quarter of the previous year. "The part-time rate has never been as high as it is today," explained IAB expert Enzo Weber. This is due to an increase in employment in sectors with a high proportion of part-time work, such as the hospitality industry or education.

The number of employees with part-time jobs also increased during this period. According to the IAB, there were 4.47 million people in the third quarter of 2023, 2.9% more than a year earlier. The development is thus following the long-term upward trend from before the pandemic, it said. The number of people with multiple jobs was 410,000 higher than the pre-crisis level. According to the IAB, one in ten employees now has another job.

The weak economy is also having an impact on how much people in Germany are working. Working hours per person fell by 0.7 percent to 342.3 hours in the third quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Employees worked an average of 30.47 hours per week, compared to 30.5 hours in the same quarter of the previous year. "Employment is barely increasing, there is slightly more short-time work again as well as less overtime and payments into working time accounts," said Weber.

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