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More nursery teachers are being trained in MV than are needed

Is there a threat of a nursery teacher glut in the north-east? Forecasts predict significantly fewer children by 2033. At the same time, many young people are moving into the profession.

Many young people in MV want to become nursery teachers. But so many are probably not needed.
Many young people in MV want to become nursery teachers. But so many are probably not needed.

Daycare center staff - More nursery teachers are being trained in MV than are needed

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, currently more kindergarten teachers are being trained than expected to be needed in the future. The responsible education ministry in Schwerin announced this.

40,000 Fewer Children in Ten Years

According to forecasts, the number of children under the age of ten - the kindergarten and daycare age group - is expected to significantly decrease. By 2033, according to population projections, there will be approximately 40,000 fewer children under eleven years old in the state than in 2023. "According to statistics, there were 152,655 children under eleven years old last year, and according to the population projection, there will be 112,553 children in this age group in 2033," explained Education Minister Simone Oldenburg (Left).

The demand for childcare workers is projected to be 500 specialists in 2024 and 2025, 390 in 2026, 2027, and 2028. However, according to the forecast, there will be over 500 graduates and graduates annually in the years 2024 to 2026, and even around 600 in 2027.

Great Interest in Training

Many young people are reportedly interested in vocational training as a kindergarten teacher for children aged 0-10 in MV. "We have seen a doubling of training numbers in the current school year alone," explained Education Minister Simone Oldenburg (Left). The training is very practice-oriented and is remunerated in contrast to the traditional and longer training as a kindergarten teacher. The field of work for full-time kindergarten teachers is therefore broader.

According to calculations, the need for pedagogical specialists in kindergartens and daycares is projected to further decrease to 320 persons in the years 2029 to 2033. "The demand will be met annually by over 400 graduates in the pedagogical professions," it was further stated.

  1. Despite the decreasing number of children in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Simone Oldenburg, the Education Minister, has noticed a surge in interest for kindergarten teacher training in the region.
  2. The Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) might find it beneficial to allocate resources to support the upcoming graduates in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, given the high number of anticipated graduates in kindergarten teacher training compared to the projected demand.
  3. Simone Oldenburg and the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania government should consider exploring strategies to encourage young people to pursue careers in social affairs, such as childcare, in areas outside of urban centers, where the need for childcare workers is expected to remain high due to the declining population.

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