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More money for trains and autobahans - Greens see open questions

Finance Minister Lindner makes it clear that the financing for investments in the autobahn- and railway network is not resolved. A Green budget expert presents possible ways.

It is still unclear where the missing money for the railways and motorways will come from.
It is still unclear where the missing money for the railways and motorways will come from.

domestic dispute - More money for trains and autobahans - Greens see open questions

The Green Finance Minister Paula Piechotta raises questions about plans for more money for highways and railways. "Whether it will ultimately be more capital, loans or a completely different solution, and whether such a solution will not only apply to rail and roads but also to waterways, we will see in the fall, she told the German Press Agency in Berlin.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) have announced that the German government will examine billion-dollar loans instead of grants for railway and highway companies. This is part of the basic principles for the 2025 budget. Lindner told the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung," this is one of the proposals from the Chancellery to close the existing "need for action" of eight billion euros. He will not take constitutional risks and will not make unwarranted decisions.

"Habeck, Scholz, and Lindner have clearly stated that the exact ways to the creditworthiness for transportation investments still need to be checked," said Piechotta. It must be checked which way is best for taxpayers. For this debate between parliament, auditor's office, finance ministry, and transportation ministry, we have until November. Then the budget should be passed by parliament. Piechotta is responsible for the transportation budget in the budget committee.

  1. The Federal Parliament is expected to delve into the proposed funding mechanisms for highways and railways in the fall.
  2. The Federal government, led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, is considering billion-dollar loans instead of grants for railway and highway companies.
  3. Christian Lindner, the Finance Minister from the FDP, has proposed this as one of the solutions to bridge an eight-billion-euro gap.
  4. Olaf Scholz, Robert Habeck, and Christian Lindner have emphasized the necessity of thoroughly examining the best approach for taxpayers in ensuring the creditworthiness for transportation investments.
  5. Paula Piechotta, the Green Finance Minister, is responsible for overseeing the transportation budget in the budget committee and has expressed her concerns about the plans for more expenditure on highways and railways.
  6. Alliance 90/The Greens, represented by Economics Minister Robert Habeck, is also part of the trio leading the German government in this deliberation.
  7. The proposed changes to the financing of infrastructure projects, including railways and highways, have garnered attention on Germany's prestigious Autobahn and waterway networks.
  8. Berlin's political circles and German Press Agency are closely monitoring the developments in this domestic dispute, as decisions could impact the country's transportation traffic and overall domestic policies.

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