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More humanity in the migration debate

Brandenburg's integration commissioner, Doris Lemmermeier, is calling for more humanity in the migration debate. The Advent season is also a time to pause for thought, said Lemmermeier in a statement on Sunday. "How do we want to live together? How do we want to treat our fellow human beings?...

According to the integration officer - More humanity in the migration debate

Brandenburg's integration commissioner, Doris Lemmermeier, is calling for more humanity in the migration debate. The Advent season is also a time to pause for thought, said Lemmermeier in a statement on Sunday. "How do we want to live together? How do we want to treat our fellow human beings? Instead of always pointing out the differences, we should look at what we have in common." The desire for peace unites people with and without a history of flight and migration.

This year, volunteers were once again able to apply for 600 euros for shared experiences with refugees. According to Lemmermeier, 40 applications were submitted this year. The Christmas campaign supported, for example, handicraft and gift workshops, trips to the theater, Christmas markets and the Christmas circus.

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