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More deportations from Baden-Württemberg

The number of people who have been forced to leave the country has recently risen significantly. However, Justice Minister Gentges believes the federal government has an even greater duty.

There are more deportations in Baden-Württemberg.
There are more deportations in Baden-Württemberg.

Refugee policy - More deportations from Baden-Württemberg

According to Justice Minister Marion Gentges (CDU) from Baden-Wuertemberg, 40 percent more people have been deported from this country in the first half of this year compared to the same period last year. Gentges mentioned this figure to the "Stuttgarter Zeitung". In total, therefore, 1,356 people were reportedly sent back to their home countries (January to June of the previous year: 945).

Gentges called for decisive action from the Federal Government in an interview; it is in negotiations for repatriation agreements with countries of origin and is helpful in obtaining personal documents. It is incomprehensible, said the CDU politician, that even so-called offenders and serious criminals cannot be returned to countries like Syria and Afghanistan.

  1. Marion Gentges, the CDU minister from Baden-Württemberg, advocated for a stronger refugee policy, expressing frustration over the difficulties in deporting individuals from Syria and Afghanistan, despite their being labeled as offenders and serious criminals.
  2. The increase in deportations in the first half of this year, as reported by Marion Gentges, from Baden-Württemberg, has raised concerns among refugee advocates, with 1,356 individuals being sent back compared to 945 in the same period last year.
  3. Baden-Württemberg's CDU minister, Marion Gentges, criticized the Federal Government's refugee policy, emphasizing the importance of strengthening repatriation agreements with countries of origin and obtaining necessary personal documents to facilitate the deportation of refugees, including those classified as offenders and serious criminals.

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