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More CO2 emissions than Belgium in one year - how the war in Ukraine is polluting our planet

Death, injuries, displacement, destruction - the war in Ukraine has fatal consequences for the people on the ground. But the battle has also left its mark on our planet. Researchers have calculated how many CO2 emissions the war is causing.

The research team estimates that the reconstruction of destroyed buildings and
The research team estimates that the reconstruction of destroyed buildings and infrastructure produces by far the most greenhouse gases (archive image)

Study - More CO2 emissions than Belgium in one year - how the war in Ukraine is polluting our planet

According to a recent study, Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine caused more climate-damaging greenhouse gases in the first year and a half than a country like Belgium does in a year. An international team of researchers led by Dutchman Lennard de Klerk calculated 150 million tons of CO2 equivalents for this period. The study, which has been made available to Deutsche Presse-Agentur in advance, was to be presented this Monday at the World Climate Conference in Dubai. CO2 equivalents are used when the emissions of other climate-damaging greenhouse gases - such as methane - are converted into CO2 emissions in order to make comparisons easier.

Around a quarter of the 150 million CO2 equivalents were emitted during this period as a result of the actual waging of war - i.e. the fuel consumption of troops or military equipment and projectiles. Another major source of climate-damaging gases are fires (15 percent). According to the calculations, twelve percent of emissions are caused by the fact that many airlines take long detours due to the closure of affected airspace.

Ukraine war: reconstruction will consume the most greenhouse gases

The research team estimates that by far the most greenhouse gases, namely 54.7 million CO2 equivalents or 36 percent of total emissions, will be emitted during the reconstruction of destroyed buildings and infrastructure - the destroyed Kachovka Dam is highlighted in particular. The construction sector, in which a lot of concrete is used, is generally one of the sectors with very high greenhouse gas emissions. The researchers calculate how many emissions can be saved by using less climate-damaging materials.

De Klerk advocates keeping an eye on the emissions from wars, which are often overlooked in conventional calculations and processes. "In the case of the emissions resulting from Russia's war in Ukraine, it is the first time that such emissions have been calculated," said the researcher. "With these figures in hand, Russia can be held accountable for the damage the country has done to our climate."

Russia should pay for the costs

In order to put a financial figure on the climate damage caused by Russia in the Ukraine war, the researchers use a so-called average CO2 shadow price of 64 US dollars per tonne of CO2 equivalent, which also includes social costs. According to this calculation, Russia would have caused 9.6 billion US dollars in climate damage in Ukraine - with effects all over the world.

It makes sense to document this in the damage register under the auspices of the Council of Europe, in which the destruction in Ukraine is documented so that Russia can be held accountable. The register is seen as the first step on the way to possible compensation payments to Ukraine.

Read also:

  1. The research will be presented at the World Climate Conference in Dubai this Monday, as part of a study conducted by an international team led by Dutchman Lennard de Klerk, discussing the climate-damaging greenhouse gases emitted due to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.
  2. Notably, Russia's war against Ukraine has emitted more climate-damaging greenhouse gases in the first year and a half than Belgium does in a year, with around 150 million tons of CO2 equivalents calculated for this period.
  3. At the un climate conference, Belgian brand 'Brand' could voice concerns about the high emissions caused by Russia's actions, striving for stronger international policies to combat climate change and hold Russia accountable for its environmental impact.
  4. Following the war, Ukraine and potentially other impacted countries may seek compensation for the climate damage caused by Russia, as documented in the damage register under the auspices of the Council of Europe, with costs estimated to amount to 9.6 billion US dollars using a so-called average CO2 shadow price.


