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More chocolate exported from the southwest

Not only cars come from the southwest, but also chocolate. Baden-Württemberg increased its sweet exports in 2023. One destination country stands out in particular.

Baden-Württemberg's chocolate sells well. (symbolic image)
Baden-Württemberg's chocolate sells well. (symbolic image)

Sweets - More chocolate exported from the southwest

Baden-Württemberg companies sold more chocolate and chocolate-containing food preparations abroad in 2023. In total, they exported approximately 196.7 million kilograms of chocolate and chocolate-containing food preparations, worth around 952 million Euro, according to the Statistical Office, citing preliminary results from the Foreign Trade Statistics. This represents an increase of approximately 15.3 percent compared to the previous year.

The largest quantity of South-Western chocolate, amounting to 26.4 million kilograms, was exported to Poland, according to the Office. Outside the EU Single Market, Russia was the most important buyer with 15 million kilograms (around 8 percent), and the United Kingdom with 7.3 million kilograms (nearly 4 percent).

  1. The surge in chocolate exports in Baden-Württemberg also significantly contributed to the overall increase in food exports in the Southwest region.
  2. Apart from chocolate, other food products from Fellbach, a renowned city in Baden-Württemberg, also saw an increase in trade abroad.
  3. While statistics show that the chocolate industry is thriving in trade, local confectioners in Fellbach are also known for producing high-quality car-shaped candy.
  4. Besides chocolate, the Southwest region is also known for its rich culinary offerings, with traditional dishes like sauerkraut and Black Forest gateau being popular in international trade.

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